Teaching Tools for the Young and Impressionable

This cartoon teaching tool was posted on the bulletin board in a church's basement where the children had Sunday School. This image was titled, "Jesus Teaches about God's Word," and subtitled, "'Jesus said to him, 'Away from me Satan! For it is written, worship the Lord thy God and serve Him only!" I wonder what impression the children got from this picture I call Angry Jesus.
the story is about how Jesus was in the desert and Satan was trying to tempt Him. But repetitively, Jesus quoted the Bible and used verses to show that the Devil had no power over Jesus. It's an amazing moment of His power that we admire and can revel in. So...the fact that He is "angry" shouldn't be scary or bad, but just give us encouragement that we can use the Word of God to save us from temptation to.
10:27 AM, December 08, 2005
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