Coffee Christian

Ok, I was shopping with some of my friends and I found this at Starbucks . Each barista was asked to design their own cup around their personality and two of them focused on the Christian nature of the person. I think that's a very cool and courageous move. Specific to this picture, the 'Jesus Fish' on Amber's cup is a phenomena of the 20th century. It focuses on the solus Jesus movement (focusing only on the savior part of the trinity) and embodies the iconic representation to which religious iconography has been (in some cases) reduced.
Above: Coffee Christian (Part 1), 6th June 2007 (Indianapolis, Indiana)
The Jesus fish may have been rediscovered in the 20th century, but it is a very ancient Christian symbol, using the Greek word for fish (ichthus) as an acronym for "Jesus Christ God Son Savior"
10:33 AM, June 25, 2007
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